「We have released a Social Investment Report drafted with reference to the Social Reporting Standard, a comprehensive guideline for social initiatives. Developed by German academic institutions, the standard was established in 2011 by the Social Reporting Initiative, a coalition of renowned NGOs and the German government. The subsections of each report chapter―"Vision and Goals," "Resources Invested," "Project Details," and "Outcomes and Impacts"―present CTBC Holding's philosophies, social investment strategies, and performance in the five areas of charity, anti-drug awareness, sports, education, and arts and culture.」
Management model of our five core focuses
"We are family" is the brand spirit of CTBC Holding, and we strive to put this into action by supporting not only our employees and customers but our community and country, too. We do primarily through public welfare efforts in five areas: charity, anti-drug awareness, sports, education and arts and culture. Using the 17 U.N. SDGs and their 169 targets as our guide, we identified five goals for these efforts, namely no poverty (SDG 1), zero hunger (SDG 2), good health and wellbeing (SDG 3), quality education (SDG 4), and decent work and economic growth (SDG 8). While continuing to implement existing charity projects, we also continue to innovate in order to give back to the community more effectively.
CTBC Holding's social engagement efforts
Performance in five areas of focus
Taiwan Life's social engagement efforts
Taiwan Lottery's social engagement efforts